Dictionaries across the globe are filled with thousands of words that define any object in the universe. It is practically impossible to know all of them, especially those we don’t come across frequently. And, as you will find out after reading this entry, most probably you will never come across. Yet, it might be interesting to mention a few I found out about in my search for useless things. For example; how many of you know what the sugary leftovers at the bottom of cereal boxes are called? Or the space in a wine bottle not occupied by wine? These are fairly usual objects, and there really is no reason these words remain unknown; other than, (let’s face it), they’re useless.
What is the dot on the top of an i or j called? A tittle; if you’ve dotted an i, you have just tittled. How do you call the spikes on a fork? Tines. Did you know that the surplus of skin in your elbow is called a Eunice? The plastic ending on a shoe lace is called an aglet. What word refers to the estimation that something is valueless? Floccinaucinihilipilification. What do you call the day before yesterday? Nudiustertian. Did you know that zenzizenzizenzic is the eighth power of a number; a good word to bring up in your math class! The art of counting on your fingers is dactylonomy. What is another name for one dollar? A dollar may be referred as a simoleon. Borborygums are the rumbling sounds made by the moving of fluids in your stomach. What do you call the thin trail of smoke left by an aircraft? A contrail. Finally, in order not to let the initial questions unanswered; let me inform you that the sugary leftovers at the bottom of cereal boxes are called fines, and the space in a wine bottle not occupied by wine is called an ullage.
I hope these unusual words have widened your vocabulary list and despite their uselessness, they can be handy whenever you want to show off in front of your friends, who even might consider you pretty smart for knowing them!