Matter-of-factly written – makes Chinese food seem better health-wise then what it actually is – it is more of an advertisement than a fortune
Rather dramatic – though I can’t quite understand what a German proverb does in a Chinese fortune cookie
Straight-forward and, I must say, rather insulting
Utterly disappointing and pointless
Too mysterious for my taste
Completely hermetic and meaningless
This fortune message states the obvious – why would you ever listen with your eyes in the first place?
Rather useless – why would one want to smell the inside of a hat?
Emm… random and slightly off topic
I hope you enjoyed reading these failed fortune cookie messages – should you want to read more messages, here is the link to a fortune cookie game, which tells you your luck after you click on the cookie – you can try it out as many times as you desire - http://www.primarygames.com/holidays/chinese/games/fortune_cookie/cookie.htm
To rap up, here is a fortune cookie which particularly fits in with this entry