Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pointless Websites

My last entry was about random ideas and funny things you can accomplish when you are bored and are looking for something to do. In this entry, I will continue talking about unusual ways in which you can engage yourself – but this time, I will give you pointless websites which you can go at.
Curiosity is something none of us can ignore. At least once, we have all experienced the frustration of  wanting to know what is being hidden from us, wanting to find out more, and, ultimately, wanting to know the unknown. This small, slightly frustrating game will definitely turn your curiosity on: your main objective is to open the door to figure out who is ringing the doorbell. Though the game is pointless – it does save you from devastating boredom. (Have your sound on in your computer while playing).

The following brief game is very similar to the previous one– slightly more provoking. Instead of a door, this game has a paper roll: the objective is to try to unroll it. Beware – it is not as easy as it sounds!  Good luck!

I earn you that the following game is extremely addicting!  The point to the game is to try to click the space bar as many times as you can, and try to beat your personal record every time. Before playing, you choose either 5, 10, or 20 seconds, and then you will have the time you have chosen to simply click space as many times as you possibly can.

The next website is super engaging – it’s called Google Fight. This website asks you to write down two words. What the website technically does is search through all of Google’s pages, counting how often each word is used, thus, establishing a competition between the two words to see which one is more common and popular. Though the site is particularly pointless – it is very interesting to know which words are used more often than others.

I really like the following website - I hope you do to. What it does is that it gives you your own unique barcode depending on the information you provide – like age, nationality, height, etc. At the end, the website gives you your own barcode which you can save and print. To the right is my own and unique barcode! http://www.barcodeart.com/art/yourself/yourself.html

Though this website might seem totally useless – you might need it when you are in desperate need to flip a coin to decide on something, but have no coins to do so. This website offers a variety of coins from different countries – you can choose whichever you want, and can choose to have 1 to 16 coins. When you click ‘flip’, the website will flip the coins for you, and will show you the results through pictures like the ones on the right - heads or tales. 

I hope you enjoyed learning about these pointless websites. They might seem as a waste of time, though (you must admit) they are quite entertaining. There you have it – useless websites. I am still searching to see if I can find some more to share with you in a future post.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Conquered by Boredom? This Entry's for You!

There are times when you can be completely and utterly bored and have no idea whatsoever how to spend your free time. In this entry I will post the most random, useless, yet not boring things to do when you are really, really bored.
·         Super-glue a quarter to the floor in a Walmart store and count how many people try to pick it up
·         Go to McDonald’s and ask which fast food restaurant they would recommend
·         Alphabetize skittles
·         Drink a liter of pure lemon juice and try not to make a funny face
·         Talk in 3rd person for an entire day
·         Chew as many pieces of gum as you can
·         Shout small screaming noises when cutting a carrot
·         With a dead serious face – order a diet water when you go out to eat

·         Go to a Burger King and order a Big Mac
·         Throw skittles to random people in the street and shout “TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!”
·         Dress like the tin man, go to a hospital and ask if you can have a heart
·         Start screaming “TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR” in a public bathroom
·         Go to a fancy restaurant and eat fancy food – pay the bill in pennies
·         Run through a public place and shout “HE’S GOT A GUN!!” and run out the door
·         Wave to random people as if you know them
·         Spell words with m&ms and skittles
·         Put a walkie-talkie in your mail box and when the mailman comes, scream
I hope you will adopt some of these ideas – I’m sure you would enjoy them! Post your experiences if you ever do! J

Picture from http://thxforthe.info/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/diet-water.jpg

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Useless Statistics

There are statistics for about everything you can imagine. Some are important references, such as the chances each person has of experiencing a car crash, or the odds of getting a specific disease. However, apart from this significant data, there are also much less important statistics which, in spite of their uselessness, still are produced and published. This entry focuses on the latter, in other words, absolutely useless statistics which make up 31.6 % of all statistics!  
·         58.4 percent of people have called to work (or school) sick when actually they weren’t.
·         When in someone else’s restroom, 39% of people glance through the bathroom’s cabinet.
o   17% get caught.
·         29% of the people ignore RSVP
·         22% of all restaurant meals include French fries
·         22% of men and women leave a blob of toothpaste in the sink
·         71.6% of people eavesdrop
·         53% read the horoscopes daily
·         Two thirds of people speed up at a yellow light
·         One out of every five men proposed on his knee
·         315 entries on Webster’s Dictionary will be misspelled each day
·         0.3 percent of all road accidents in Canada involve a moose
·         A car is stolen every 30 seconds in the US
·         13 people every year are killed by vending machines falling on them
·         In a year, the average person makes 1,140 phone calls
·         The average 4 year old asks over 400 questions a day
·         The average person spends about 2 years on the phone in a lifetime
·         You are most likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark
·         The average person will spend two weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic lights to change
·         90% of women who walk into a department store automatically turn to the right
·         Married men tip better than unmarried men
·         Odds of being killed by a-
o   Dog – one in 700,000
o   Tornado – one in 2,000,000
o   Murdered – one 20,000
o   Bathtub – one in 1,000,000
I hope you have enjoyed reading these statistics which, hopefully, have widened your knowledge about useless things. Before I close this entry, I’d like to give you one last piece of information: be aware that it was statistically proven that approximately 97.3978271128 percent of all statistics are made up!